I have been at King Street vets since 1996 and what a journey it has been. I often ask myself why have I stayed at the one clinic for so long. Answer… I get to do what I love every day with people I respect, help clients with caring for their pets but most of all I get to be there for my patients and hold them when they are feeling at their lowest.
Helping an animal no matter what the species through good times and bad, I cannot think of a more rewarding career. The fact that I can cuddle my patients is a massive bonus and seeing the happiness on their parent’s faces when they come to pick them up from the hospital… priceless.
I feel so blessed to have known many of my patients from their first visit to the clinic as babies, to when I have held their paws as it was time for them to leave this world. I have laughed and cried with their mums and dads and I would not change a moment of it (except maybe the dealing with anal glands … I do not like anal glands).
I am also lucky to have found a place to work where I have made lifelong friends and worked with a team of people who share the same values as myself. See you when you come in.